Monday, June 14, 2010

"Canary on a Catwalk" Black Canary costume re-design!

Project: Rooftop is a really cool site that features contests of Superhero costume re-design.
Project Rooftop = Project Runway, get it! : )
This is my submission for their most recent contest "Canary on a Catwalk" where we were to re-design the costume of DC comics' Black Canary.
Here is a link to the Black Canary wikipedia entry:

Unfortunately I didn't win, but this was a lot of fun. I will continue trying. I believe a Captain America re-design is next. I'm already working on it!
Black Canary redesigned w/ background - Ink, Digital

Black Canary redesigned (as submitted) - Ink, Digital


  1. I saw your design years ago, and I'm really quite in love with the arm and leg yellow bars on the sleeves. Your art inspires me so much, I'm planning on making my own for conventions. Thank you! -Liz

  2. I saw your design years ago, and I'm really quite in love with the arm and leg yellow bars on the sleeves. Your art inspires me so much, I'm planning on making my own for conventions. Thank you! -Liz
